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Uk49sTeatime Results 2025

Uk49s Teatime Results For today is announce now. You can check 49s teatime Results 2025. we update all Results on an urgent basis.
Draws take place at 12:49 pm (UK time).

Uk 49s Teatime Results Are Bellow:

Uk 49s TeaTime Result is Announce Now. We update regularly all results which are holding 17:49 PM (UK). The entire criteria for playing the game are the same as for lunchtime . We Update all results Live for our Users. And congratulations to the winners.

10 February 20256162434394923
9 February 20256182533394041
8 February 2025318202628384
7 February 2025471013182825
6 February 202513711183247
5 February 202519223031424828
4 February 20254112226294633
3 February 202510142231364047
2 February 20258161731374843
1 February 2025373637394744

Uk 49 Teatime Results Timing

Teatime Draws take place at 5:49 pm (UK time) from February to October, and 4:49 pm throughout the rest of the year.

What Time is the Teatime Draw?

UK 49’s Ltd organizes the lottery and operates twice a day. A user can try luck on both of them simultaneously.

Teatime Draw

Draw 2 of the day held at 17:49 PM(UK), known as UK 49s Teatime Draw.

In a single draw, balls ranging from number 1 to 49 are used for the draw. 6 numbers 1 booster or bonus ball are drawn as a result of a single draw. A 49s player can play this game through different betting shops and offices in South Africa (.za) and the rest of the world.


The United Kingdom National Lottery has been operating since November 1994, making it the best running of all the national lotteries. UK49s Lunchtime and teatime give players the chance to win prizes that will change their lives. After that, UK Lotto began conducting specific changes along with the addition of a lottery on Wednesdays in February 1997.

UK 49s Evening Results Prize Amount

The numbers are chosen for the 6-number draw and the winning prize is £ 7 if one of the chosen numbers matches the winning numbers, and if the same occurs in the 7-number draw, it will be £ 6. The prize is £ 54 for matching two winning numbers in Draw # 6, and £ 39 for drawing all seven numbers.

The winning prize of 3 winning numbers for winning numbers is £ 601 for the 6-digit drawing and £ 330 for the 7-digit drawing. If the 4 numbers match, the prize will be £ 7,200 in the 6-digit drawing and the winning prize will be £ 3,800 in the 7-digit drawing. Finally, the winning prize is £ 125,000 for a bet that matches 5 of the winning numbers from the 6-digit draw, and for the seven-digit draw, the winning prize is £ 40,000 if the same happens.

UK49s Teatime Results Prize

The negative aspect of this asymmetrical betting system is that a player creates a certain prize structure where symmetry is observed in odds. The prize amounts will also vary depending on the fact of how much money a player will wager on any given outcome.

The Uk49s lottery offers the odds for each of the possible outcomes ranging in between 6 to 1 for the single number to the odds of around 14000000 to 1 for winning the top prize of 7 numbers ranging from 6 to Bonus Ball.

The only variant that remains unchanged for UK49s is its odds; other than that everything can be decided by the playing party.

Tip 1. 

A full wheel has all the conceivable combinations of numbers for 49s Teatime results. This strategy gives you the best opportunity to win the jackpot and many lesser prizes. Since you’d be competing with more sets of numbers. Consumers need to invest significantly in applying this prediction.

Tip 2.

The abbreviated method is among the UK 49s strategy, and it falls in between the other techniques. It is optimal to its best.

Tip 3.

The key number wheeling is yet another one of the winning UK teatime result strategies. It has fewer combinations than abbreviated but can pull the same chances for the right UK 49 teatime results. You have the same odds of the 49s result if you have 113 mixes with the key number method as you do with 134 combinations with the abbreviated technique